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Jim Riley

Department: Mathematics

Office: D257

Email: jriley@hartnell.edu

Office phone: 831-755-6749

Office hours: Mon., Tue., Wed. from 10 to 10:50 a.m.,  and by appointment

and helpful information related to Canvas

Help with math and academics in general

(831-755-6820, room B129)

The Panther Learning Lab, located in E217, offers help with all math classes (as well as reading and writing).
Hours: Monday through Thursday 9 to 9, Friday 9 to 4, Saturday 9 to 2


Videos at the Khan Academy:

The ALEKS learning system:   

Help with money

(831-755-6806, room B121)

(831-755-6860, room B130)

(831-755-6860, room B130)

, including

Help with housing, community resources, and transportation

Help with your student email and other Hartnell technology

To log into your Hartnell student email account, go to and enter your user name and password. Your user name is the same as in PAWS.

and other Google apps for Hartnell

Help with personal problems and disabilities

(831-770-7019, rooms D123, D124, and D126)

(831-755-6760, room B101)

Safety while at Hartnell

You can find information about emergencies and preparedness .

Other stuff

(PDF) (applies to other exams too)

( a cappella cover of Bohemian Rhapsody with lyrics about quantum mechanics and string theory)

Notes for my October 27, 2017 talk on finite number systems