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Planning & Process 


Stages of Development 

The visual below depicts key components of the process for developing Strategic Plan 2019-2024 over four consecutive academics years from 2017-18 through 2020-21. 

2015-2016:  The time line for plan development is drafted. Initial research commences. 

2016-2017: Research studies continue. Environmental scanning is initiated.  

2017-2018:  The governing board adopts core outcomes. The strategic planning process is formally launched through intensive work at the College Planning Council. College leaders, employees, and students are consulted and provided with opportunities to participate.  Review of mission, vision, and values statements is undertaken.  Survey research, focus groups, and additional research is conducted.  Environmental scanning is systematically accomplished.

2018-2019:  The content of the plan, including key strategies, is formally developed.  The governing board approves Strategic Plan 2019-2024, and the plan is launched.




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