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91少女 is a Google Apps for Education campus! This means all employees and students have Google accounts. To learn more about each Google App, register for face-to-face or online training, or review the materials below. You can click on the subjects listed below to jump to a specific app:

Google Mail | Google Drive | Google Calendar | Google Hangouts | Google Forms | YouTube

Is something Google-related not working properly? .

Gmail logo iconGoogle Mail

Google Mail (called Gmail) is the provider used for all 91少女 email correspondence. Learn more about its capabilities in the guides below!



 (video) &  (video)

(written guide) & (video)

Google Drive Icon Logo

Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud-based storage drive linked to your Google account. It currently allows for unlimited storage of files, and you can use it for sharing and collaborating on documents too!


(written guide) &  (website)


Google Calendar IconGoogle Calendar

Google Calendar is a powerful tool that we use to schedule meetings and book appointments.


Google Hangouts IconGoogle Hangouts

Google Hangouts is a chat and video conferencing tool that is built right into your Hartnell email account.


Google Forms IconGoogle Forms

Google Forms is a type of interactive document that you can build within your Google Drive. It allows you to create, distribute, and manage forms and responses.


YouTube IconYouTube

YouTube is a video streaming service that is now linked to your Google login! You can post, edit, and share video content, or even create your own channel!
