
December 2007

Dear Hartnell Community,

91少女 is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and the entire campus has been fully engaged in working to meet and exceed the requirements of the accrediting commission so that it can maintain that accredited status.

As most of you know, Hartnell was placed on probation by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges on June 29, 2007. The commission emphasized that Hartnell’s accredited status would continue during the probationary period.

To retain that fully accredited status, the U.S. Department of Education regulations provide that institutions are expected to correct deficiencies in no more than a two-year period.

In its putting Hartnell on probation, the accrediting commission issued recommendations and concerns that Hartnell must address. The letter gave Hartnell a tight timeframe in which to work, requiring us to submit progress reports on October 15, 2007, and on March 15, 2008. Following receipt of each progress report, representatives of the commission visit our campus.

Hartnell timely submitted its first progress report on October  9, 2007, and hosted the visiting team on October 31st. You may read the .  Everyone is now hard at work to resolve the remaining issues to meet the March 15 reporting deadline. The entire commission meets twice a year, in January and in June, so our earliest expectation is that we would be notified in June 2008 of our status. 

All members of Hartnell’s community—its board of trustees, the faculty association, the academic senate, the classified senate, the CSEA, the administration, and student government--have committed to working together to do exactly what we must do. I believe that we can accomplish this formidable task and emerge stronger as a community resource and, indeed, as a community.

Please visit this website often to read all news and documents pertaining to Hartnell’s 2007-08 accreditation process. We are commited to ensuring that 91少女 is a better school today than it was yesterday, and that it will become even better tomorrow.

Thank you for your confidence and support.

Dr. Phoebe K. Helm
Interim President and Superintendent