
Board Policies

1425 Records Retention and Destruction
It is the policy of the Governing Board pursuant to Title 5, that Hartnell Community College District shall classify all records, or documents which pertain to the maintenance, operation and management of the college and district, and to the students and college/district personnel.

"Records" shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

1. Student Records
2. Ledgers
3. Maps
4. Books (except instructional material)
5. Papers/Letters/Memoranda
6. Data Processing Hard Copy
7. Board Minutes
8. Legal Documents

All records shall be maintained unless or until such time as they are properly classified consistent with the requirements promulgated by Title 5. The Governing Board shall establish procedures by which records shall be classified, retained, and destroyed. These procedures are located in the Office of Human Resources and Staff Diversity and shall be implemented on an annual basis.

Title 5, California Code of Regulations, 59020 et seq.
Adopted: 12-3-85
Revised and Adopted: 11-3-92, 4-4-95, 4-6-98