
Board Policies

2100 Community Use of College Facilities

91少女 shall permit qualified persons to use designated College buildings and grounds, within the law, so long as there is no conflict with College programs and functions. Any such use shall be secondary to college programs and functions.

The Superintendent/President or his designee, has established regulations and procedures including fees for community use of 91少女 facilities. These regulations and procedures are located in the Office of Community Education.

Governing Board Rules and Regulations. (1954), p. 30 Education Code, sections 82537 et seq.
(Formerly Governing Board Policy 7210, originally adopted 12-19-67, revised 6-6-72; revised and renumbered Governing Board Policy 2200, adopted 9-15-81)
Adopted: Revised and Renumbered 10-1-85
Revised and Adopted: 1-2-90, 11-3-92, 4-4-95, 7-1-96