
Board Policies

2240 Private Sale of Personal Property of the District

In accordance with the provisions of the Education Code Section 81450, et seq., it shall be the policy of the Governing Board that personal property belonging to the District which is no longer suitable or required for college purposes may be sold, at private sale, by the Superintendent/President or designee.

Prior to any sale, the Superintendent/President shall ascertain that the sum of the individual items of personal property offered does not exceed in actual market value the maximum amount provided in the Education Code. Unanimous board approval by members present is required for private sale in this section (E.C. 81452).

All funds received from the sale of personal property shall be deposited in the General Fund of the District.

Education Code 81450, et seq.
Governing Board and Rule and Regulations (1954), p. 32b
(Formerly Governing Board Policy 2450; adopted 2-2-82)
Adopted: Revised and renumbered 10-1-85, Revised 1-6-87
Revised and Adopted: 1-5-88
Revised and Adopted: 7-2-91