
Board Policies

5040 Travel Expenses
Authorized actual and necessary expenses, including traveling expenses, of any employee of the District incurred in the course of performing authorized services for the District, whether within or outside the district under the direction of the Governing Board, shall be reimbursed by the District. The Superintendent/President or designee may authorize an advance of funds to cover such necessary expense. Such advance shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. The Superintendent/President is authorized to direct any employee of the District to attend any convention or conference or to visit schools for the discussion or observation of any school matter pertaining to the duties of the employee of any question of interest to the District.

Also see Governing Board Policy 2320 Conference and Travel

Education Code Section 87032 Governing Board Rules and Regulations (1954), pp. 13, 35
(Formerly Governing Board Policy 4133.1, adopted 12-20-66)
Adopted, Revised and Renumbered 10-1-85
Revised and Adopted: 4-6-98, 9-16-02, 4-1-03