ࡱ> TWQRS Hbjbj 4@BBBBBVVVV\V#f(iii"""""""$$y'"Bii"BB"BB""r T!m? ""0# ''!!'B!i>,$iii""iii#'iiiiiiiii : I: Identifying Constellations We will learn to identify six different constellations in the night sky. You will also learn how to find the north star, Polaris using the Big Dipper as a guide. To do this, you will use your planisphere. If you choose to perform this project, you must have a planisphere. You may choose to purchase a planisphere at the Hartnell bookstore (they are relatively inexpensive and can be used in the future to impress your friends or family!), you may borrow one from your instructor, or purchase one online from Amazon.com (search for The Night Sky 30-40 degrees by David Chandler). It is important to choose the one for latitudes 30-40 degrees if you are observing in Salinas because the view of the night sky changes depending upon where you live. If you are observing elsewhere, you need to purchase one at your appropriate latitude. The instructions for using the planisphere is on the back of the planisphere, however, if you should have any questions, make sure to consult your instructor. In this project you will have to measure and record the altitude and azimuth of the constellations. If you do not understand how to do this from the instructions, make sure you come see me during office hours to demonstrate how it should be done or to see examples of past projects. Using a Planisphere In principle, nothing could be simpler. You turn a wheel to put your time next to your date, and presto, theres a custom-made map of the stars that are above your horizon for that moment. The edge of the oval star map represents the horizon all around you, as you would see if you were standing on an open field and turned around in a complete circle. The part of the map at the ovals center represents the sky overhead. There are two sides to the planisphere. The front of the planisphere is the view of the sky if you are facing North. The back of the planisphere is the view of the sky if you are facing South. In practice, several complications can throw beginners off. The worst is that a planispheres map is necessarily small and distorted. It compresses the entire celestial hemisphere above and around you into a little thing you hold into your hand. So star patterns appear much bigger in real life than on the map. Moving your eyes just a little way across the map corresponds to swinging your gaze across a huge sweep of sky. The east and west horizons may look close together on a planisphere, but of course when east is in front of you, west is behind your back. Glancing from the maps edge to center corresponds to craning your gaze from horizontal to straight up. To use your planisphere, go out to a dark place, where there is minimal light pollution. Make sure that the sky is dark and clear so that you can see the stars easily. Hold it out in front of you as you face the horizon. Twist it around so the map edge labeled with the direction youre facing is down. The correct horizon on the map will now appear horizontal and match the horizon in front of you. The dates are located on the outermost circle of the planisphere and the times are located in the inner circle of the planisphere. Rotate the disc to align todays date with the time at which you want to observe. The planisphere shows the sky as it will then appear above you. Compare the map to the sky. The center of the map shows the stars directly overhead. The larger the stars symbol on the map, the brighter it appears in the sky. Now you can compare stars above the horizon on the map with those youre facing in the sky, and youre all set! Once you understand the workings of a planisphere, you can dial in any constellation visible from your hemisphere and then look at the edge to see when that constellation is visible. Constellations that are visible all-year round are known as circumpolar because they seem to spin around the north star Polaris and never set completely below the horizon. Most other constellations are prominent during a particular season of the the year. For example, Orion the Hunter is very easily seen in Winter, but in Summer, it is hidden in the suns glare and is up during the day. The most obvious part of the chart are all the little dots that represent the stars. Youll notice that the dots are different in size, big dots are bright stars and smaller ones denote faint stars. Most of the stars on the map are connected by lines. These are imaginary lines that show us the general structure of the constellations and asterisms. The brightest stars and most of the constellations and asterisms are labeled, so that you know what they are called. When carrying out this project, do NOT sit all alone in remote, dark places. Of course, the more remote and dark places make for better observing. If youd like to observe from such a place, take a buddy or another student(s) from the class. Itll be safer and more fun this way! But remember that each of you should make your own sketches and write your own comments and reports. If you cannot get to a nice dark location, dont despair! No matter where you are, youll be able to see stars. If there are bright lights nearby, simply shield your eyes so that your pupils can dilate to see the stars. Better yet, just move around a corner or behind a tree or building where there arent as many lights shining directly in your eyes. Try to keep your observing notebook and planisphere handy. Youd be amazed at how much you can accomplish just by stopping your car on a relatively quiet street on your way home from work! This is also good policy because you never know when the weather will choose to cooperate with your observing plans. Most importantly, do not put this assignment off until the last minute. Murphys Laws will surely work against you, and youll be socked in by thick clouds or fog the whole last week before the notebook is due, guaranteed!! Remember that the constellations near the edges of the planisphere will be somewhat distorted since they had to take a sphere and flatten it out for display. One final word of caution: some of the planets in our solar system are among the brightest objects in the night sky. Dont let them fool you when trying to identify a constellation! You might want to ask your instructor about the positions of planets if you have any doubts or see something unexpected in the night sky. Altitude and Azimuth To do this project you need to understand how to determine the altitude and azimuth of objects. These are coordinates used to describe the position of an object in the sky. The altitude of the object is its angular height from the horizon. The horizon by definition is where the ground meets the sky. By definition the horizon represents 0 degrees altitude and straight up above represents 90 degrees altitude. Refer to the following picture:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ralentz.com/old/astro/hyakutake/altitude.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  The azimuth of the object is its direction with respect to North. If you are facing an object that is located due North, the azimuth is O degrees. If the object is located due West, the azimuth is 90 degrees. If the object is due South, it is 180 degrees azimuth, and if it is due East, it is 270 degrees azimuth. Refer to the following picture:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://azizahcalendar.appspot.com/images/Solar_AZIMUTH.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  If you still do not understand altitude and azimuth, make sure you come see me during office hours for further explanation. 1. Choose the Constellations Set up your planisphere to show the night sky at the time of observation and line it up with the date of observation. In your observing notebook, write down the date and time you have set up for. Look at the night sky as shown in your planisphere. Describe, in words, the location from which you are observing the constellations. The constellations on the front of the planisphere represent those constellations that you will be able to observe in the sky towards the North., whereas the constellations on the back of the planisphere represent those constellations that will be visible towards the South. Using your planisphere, list, in your observing notebook, five constellations that should be visible tonight towards the North and five constellations that should be visible tonight toward the South. 2. Identifying Polaris Use your planisphere to find the Big Dipper. This grouping that looks like a giant ladle is actually not a traditional constellation at all. It is part of a lager constellation called Ursa Major (The Big Bear). The Big Dipper can be used to find Polaris, the North star, and thus, the North direction. If you were to draw an imaginary line through the two stars on the edge of the ladle, the line would run through (or at least very close to) Polaris as depicted in the figure below.  Face towards the North. Draw a simple sketch of the Northern horizon on one page of your observing notebook. Label this horizon as the Northern Horizon on you notebook. Draw all the landmarks that you see on your Northern horizon. Draw a horizontal line at the bottom of the paper to indicate the horizon. At the center of the paper intersecting the horizon, draw a vertical dashed line. This vertical line represents your meridian (the line that joins North and South and runs through the zenith). On the horizon, draw marks to the left and right of the meridian to indicate the azimuth. Remember North is 0 degrees (or 360 degrees) azimuth and is located on the meridian. Make tick marks to the right of the meridian with each representing 10 degrees until you reach 90 degrees azimuth which is due East. Make tick marks to the left of the meridian with each mark decreasing by 10 degrees (from 360 degrees) until you reach 270 degrees representing West. Draw tick marks on the meridian. Each mark should represent 10 degrees altitude. Label the altitude on the meridian. Start with 0 degrees on the horizon and increase 10 degrees for each mark until you reach 90 degrees. Refer to the diagram below for an example of how to label the altitude and azimuth correctly facing North. Facing North 9080706050403020102702802903003103203303403500102030405060708090W N E Using the tips outline above, locate Polaris. Polaris should be just about as bright as the Big Dipper stars. There might be other, very faint stars that fall close to your imaginary line. However, Polaris is the first bright star that your line will reach. Since Polaris by definition represents 0 degrees azimuth, you do not have to measure the azimuth of Polaris. However you will have to estimate the altitude of Polaris. Start with your arm extended straight out in front of you and stack your fists on top of each other to estimate the altitude (height in degrees above the horizon) of the Polaris. Sketch and label Polaris on the meridian. On your planisphere, locate the asterism The Big Dipper. Start with your arms extended straight out in front of you facing North. Stack your fists on top of each other to estimate the altitude (height in degrees above the horizon) of the Big Dipper. (Your fist spans about 10 degrees in the sky and index finger spans about 1 degree in the sky, see picture below).  Start with your arms extended straight out in front of you facing North. Stack your fists side to side to estimate the azimuth (angle in degrees from North). Remember, once you find Polaris, that represents 0 degrees azimuth. Directly East (to the right of the meridian) is 90 degrees azimuth and West (to the left of the meridian) is 270 degrees azimuth. Sketch and label The Big Dipper relative to the horizon and the meridian. In your sketch of the Big Dipper, you should indicate the relative brightness of the stars by representing the brighter stars with larger dots and fainter stars with smaller dots. Record the altitude and azimuth of Polaris or the Big Dipper either in a table or next to your sketch. 3. Locate and sketch the Constellations Northern Constellations: Face towards the North. You can find North by finding the North star, Polaris, as described in part 2. Using your planisphere, locate three (not including the Big Dipper) of the five constellations in the North that you identified in the previous section. Start with your arms extended straight out in front of you facing North. Stack your fists on top of each other to estimate the altitude (height in degrees above the horizon) of the constellation. (Your fist spans about 10 degrees in the sky and index finger spans about 1 degree in the sky). Start with your arms extended straight out in front of you facing North. Stack your fists side to side to estimate the azimuth (angle in degrees from North). Remember, once you find Polaris, that represents 0 degrees azimuth. Directly East (to the right of the meridian) is 90 degrees azimuth and West (to the left of the meridian) is 270 degrees azimuth. On the same page as the Big Dipper and Polaris, sketch and label the constellation relative to the horizon and the meridian. In your sketch of the constellation, you should indicate the relative brightness of the stars by representing the brighter stars with larger dots and fainter stars with smaller dots. Record the altitude and azimuth of the constellations either in a table or next to your sketch. Southern Constellations: Now face towards the South (180 degrees from North). On a new page of your observing notebook draw a horizontal line at the bottom of the paper to indicate the Southern horizon. At the center of the paper intersecting the horizon, draw a vertical dashed line. This vertical line represents your meridian (the line that joins North and South and runs through the zenith). On the horizon, draw marks to the left and right of the meridian to indicate the azimuth. Remember South is 180 degrees azimuth and is located on the meridian. Make tick marks to the right of the meridian with each mark increasing by 10 degrees (from 180 degrees) until you reach 270 degrees azimuth which is due West. Make tick marks to the left of the meridian with each mark decreasing by 10 degrees (from 180 degrees) until you reach 90 degrees representing East. Draw tick marks on the meridian. Each mark should represent 10 degrees altitude. Label the altitude on the meridian. Start with 0 degrees on the horizon and increase 10 degrees for each mark until you reach 90 degrees. Refer to the diagram below for an example of how to label the altitude and azimuth correctly facing South. Facing South 908070605040302010901001101201301401501601700,180190200210220230240250260270 E S W Using your planisphere, locate three of the five constellations in the South that you identified in the previous section. (Turn 180 degrees from Polaris to find South). Use your fist to estimate the altitude (height in degrees above the horizon) of the constellation. (Fist spans about 10 degrees in the sky and index finger spans about 1 degree in the sky). Use your fist to estimate the azimuth (angle in degrees from North). Remember, directly East is 90 degrees azimuth, South is 180 degrees azimuth, and West is 270 degrees azimuth. Sketch and label constellation relative to the horizon and the meridian. In your sketch of the constellation, you should indicate the relative brightness of the stars by representing the brighter stars with larger dots and fainter stars with smaller dots. Record the altitude and azimuth of the constellations either in a table or next to your sketch. 4. Describing the Constellations List all six constellations that you observed during the course of the evening. For each constellation, describe what these constellations look like to you. For instance, Sagittarius (the Archer) actually looks remarkably like a teapot! What do these constellations look like to you? Write a description on a different page of your notebook.  =/ g ' ( ) = PT!!r`P>2hwCJOJQJaJ"hbahw5CJOJQJ\aJhbahw6CJOJQJaJ"hbahw56CJOJQJaJ%h4hw56CJOJQJ]aJh>hw5CJOJQJaJh>ha5CJOJQJaJhaCJOJQJaJh4hw6CJOJQJaJhbahwCJOJQJaJh= CJOJQJaJh\VhwCJOJQJ\aJ%hbahw5>*CJOJQJ\aJ ( ) = MNTU,-/0!! dgdm $d@&gdw dgdw!!!)!*!!!!!!"]"""""K#L#M#N#O#P#T#[#m##qcqQqcAhQKhm5CJOJQJaJ#jhl6SCJOJQJU^JaJhL CJOJQJ^JaJ#jhL CJOJQJU^JaJhL CJOJQJaJhL hL 5CJOJQJaJhL hN5CJOJQJaJhNCJOJQJaJhQKCJOJQJaJhmCJOJQJaJ"hmhm56CJOJQJaJhm56CJOJQJaJhmCJOJQJaJ!!!*!!""O#P#$$%%%%%%%%*&&& & Fdgdw $d@&gdw dgdL $da$gdQK $da$gdL dgdw####$$$$%%%%%%%I%y%%%%%ǵyi\i\M;"hc0hw56CJOJQJaJhbahL CJOJQJaJhL 5CJOJQJaJh>hL 5CJOJQJaJhNhN5CJOJQJaJhwCJOJQJaJ#j8-hl6SCJOJQJU^JaJhmCJOJQJ^JaJ#jhmCJOJQJU^JaJ"hmhm56CJOJQJaJhmhmCJOJQJaJhQKCJOJQJaJhmCJOJQJaJ%%%F&b&&&+(/(M(`(((((++++++,,2,L,,--b-i---F..Ζ{{l{\{{h1hZF5CJOJQJaJhbahZFCJOJQJaJhZFCJOJQJaJh1hZFCJOJQJaJhw5CJOJQJaJ"hbahw5CJOJQJ\aJ0jQhbahl6SCJOJQJUaJmHnHuhbahw5CJOJQJaJ%hbahw56CJOJQJ]aJhbahwCJOJQJaJ!&(((**++,.//+0vv d^gd & Fdgd & FdgdO7 & Fdgdw$$d@&a$gdw hd^hgdw & Fdgdw $d@&gdw dgdw & Fdgdw ../'/0/i/////*0+0,0809091V1W1X1Y172>22譝d䱫"вܹ6Cϴaвܹ䴳ϴO7O7䴳ϴո龱䴳ϴ7䴳ϴո龱䴳ϴNN5CϴN5Cϴ䴳ϴв5Cϴв䴳ϴ䴳ϴO7䴳ϴ+0,090:0;0<0=0>0?0@0A0B0E0F0G0H0I0J0K0L0M0N0O0Ff|>d$Ifgdl $d^a$gdNf d^gdO7O0P0Q0R0S0T0U0V0W0Z0[0\0]0^0_0`0a0b0c0d0e0f0g0h0i0j0k0FfDd$Ifgdl k0l0o0p0q0r0s0t0u0v0w0x0y0z0{0|0}0~0000000000FfJd$Ifgdl 00000000000000000000000000FfVFfPd$Ifgdl 000000000000000000000000000Ff\d$Ifgdl 000000000000000000000000000Ffbd$Ifgdl 00000000000000000000000001FfnFfhd$Ifgdl 11 1111111 1#1&1)1,1/121518191W1X1Y1 dgdO70d]0^gdTRiFftd$Ifgdl Y1`233'4^5`5a567182838\8_8x8 'B dgdw dgdw d^gdm & Fdgdt'$hd^ha$gdw & Fdgdw & Fdgdb[ & FdgdZF_2`2p3333333'4q4444444H5[5^5_5`5÷è}qqqVC%hwCJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu4j+yhOhl6SCJOJQJU^JaJmHnHuhwCJOJQJaJhbahw5CJOJQJaJh1CJOJQJaJhbahwCJOJQJaJhb[hb[CJOJQJaJhb[CJOJQJaJhbahb[CJOJQJaJh1hb[5CJOJQJaJh1hb[CJOJQJaJhZFhZFCJOJQJaJ`5a555556T6s666666677777081828\8_8x88899|9}9ٽٱٱٱ٢{hXXhbahw5CJOJQJaJ%hbahw56CJOJQJ]aJhmCJOJQJaJhwCJOJQJaJhbahwCJOJQJaJht'ht'CJOJQJaJh1CJOJQJaJh8!CJOJQJaJhbaht'5CJOJQJaJhbaht'CJOJQJaJhb[CJOJQJaJht'CJOJQJaJx8}9: <A==== AAAWBXBYBB} d^gdR d^gdt d^gdB & FdgdB & FdgdR dgdw & Fdgd8! 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