ࡱ> MOL bjbjEE N(''B B 8$F33333@FBFBFBFBFBFBF,HoKnFnF33FF33@F@FHBXXE nT^C(,FF0FC L LPXEXEnFnFF LB + m:   DISCIPLINE LIST PROPOSAL PROCESS How Changes Are Proposed? There are two avenues for proposing changes: 1) through a local or district academic senate or 2) through a recognized organization*. Although the process for new proposals remains the same, a procedure for resubmissions has been added. For more detailed information about the process, we highly suggest you review the Disciplines handbook, which can be accessed on our website at: http://www.asccc.org/sites/default/files/DLHandbook_Final_0.pdf. Any Disciplines List proposal must have the following evidence, which is essential because it provides the rationale about why the change is needed as well as informs the field that the research has been completed to ensure that the change is necessary. A lack of documentation about the need of Discipline List Revision may cause the proposal to be delayed or rejected by the Executive Committee. Please use the following check-list to ensure all you have conducted all necessary research. Required investigation of the following and statement of findings: Contacted an associated professional organization to determine support of proposal Included evidence of degrees within the proposed revision of the discipline or new discipline. Provided a list of the titles of the degrees and programs to document the need for a new or revised discipline using the below criteria: Minimum of three degrees Regionally accredited institutions (all public institutions in California) Disciplines in the Masters List requires evidence of the availability of masters degrees Disciplines in the Non-masters List requires evidence of the availability of degree, certification, and/or professional experience, if necessary Provided statewide need documented by evidence to show a change is necessary and not merely a response to a unique need of one college, district or region. Demonstrated a balance of need across the state and included a discipline seconder from another district. Explained the impact of proposal across the state using a list the pro and con arguments and including refutation of the con arguments Provided other evidence such as significant changes to the field that requires a change to the Disciplines List. Provided a page written rationale to be included in public documents. New proposed changes may be submitted: 1. Through the local/district senate Any faculty member may initiate a proposal to change the Disciplines List. Local academic senates should engage in discussion regarding the proposals among its faculty. Local academic senates must approve any/all recommendations before forwarding them to the Academic Senate Office. This local senate president must sign the Discipline List Revision Form. 2. Through a recognized discipline or professional organization Any member of the organization may initiate a proposal to change the Disciplines List. The organization should hold hearings or engage in discussion regarding the proposals among its members. The governing body of the organization must approve any/all recommendations before forwarding them to the Academic Senate Office. The president of the organization must sign the Discipline List Revision Form. *Recognized organization: an organization that is registered at the Chancellors Office as representing a specific discipline, or a regional, state, national, or international organization with a formally adopted constitution or by-laws. Previously proposed changes that were not adopted at a plenary session, may be resubmitted: Only if a new justification and rationale are provided, AND the Discipline List Revision Form is submitted to the Senate Office by the final deadline September 30, 2016. a resolution is passed at an Area meeting (prior to the second hearing in November 2016) to include the proposed change in the review and approval process, OR through the regular resolution process at 2016 Fall Plenary Session, where the mover must seek approval at the Session to include the proposed change in the review and approval process.     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