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Access to campus buildings is limited on evenings and weekends and only authorized individuals are granted admittance.

Campus Safety members are prepared to assist those needing access to a building. Identification must be provided upon request and authorization to enter a building must be documented and on file in the Campus Safety office before admittance is granted.

Generally, buildings are open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. and closed on the weekends unless classes or other authorized functions are being held.

Persons in unauthorized possession of 91少女 keys are in violation of the California Penal Code. Individuals affiliated with a sanctioned event held on campus must adhere to Facilities/Events Booking regulations and procedures.

Who To Contact

  • Campus Safety
    Phone: 831 755-6888
    Office: T - Portable Building
    Main Campus, Bldg T - Campus Safety
