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Eclipse of the sun Dr. Pimol Moth    Office:  S227 Phone: 831-755-6893 E-mail: pmoth@hartnell.edu Office Hours:  Tues-4:45-5:45pm,  Thurs and Fri- 9:45-10:45am  

Astronomy 1 Lecture Course Documents

Introduction to Astronomy Course Syllabus

Solar Telescope Observation Sheet

Links to Animations and Videos

2017 Solar Eclipse

SETI Presentation

Astronomy Projects:  

List 1 Projects (worth 60 points):  Fremont Peak Observatory or Constellations Project

AND one from the Following:

List 2 Projects ( worth 40 Points)

PowerPoint Files

Preview Chapter: The Cosmic Landscape  Read pp 1-11

Chapter 1: The Cycles of the Sky  Read pp 14-34, 60-63, 166-167 (Precession)

Chapter 2: The Rise of Astronomy Read pp 37-39, 44-56, 77-78

Chapter 5: Telescopes   Read pp 122-142 

Chapter 8: Survey of the Solar Systems  Read pp 196-219

Chapter 6: The Earth Read pp 144-146, 148-151, 153-164

Chapter 7: The Moon Read pp 178-193

Chapter 9: The Terrestrial Planets Read pp 222-249

Chapter 10: The Outer Planets Read pp 252-273

Chapter 11: Pluto and the Dwarf Planets Read pp 284-286

Chapter 11: Small Bodies Orbiting the Sun Read pp 276-283, 287-299

Chapter 4:  Light  Read pp 86-97, 106-112

Chapter 12 and 13: The Sun and the Properties of Stars  Read pp 302-309, 314-321, 337-347

Chapter 14 and 15: Stellar Evolution and Stellar Remnants Read pp 356-370, 309-312, 373-379, 386-396 

Chapter 15: Black Holes Read pp 399-404

Chapter 16 and 17: Galaxies  Read pp 408-419, 431-436, 440-445, 451-472

Chapter 18: Cosmology Read pp 448-450 (Hubble's Law), 476-493, 496-501

Astronomy 1 Laboratory Course Documents

Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory Course Syllabus

Laboratory Modules

Lab Module 1: The Observing Project

Astronomy Laboratory Manual

Binary Stars


Mystery Spectra

Galaxy Sample

Messier Objects PowerPoint

Classification of Messier Objects

Large Scale Structure

Galaxy Formation and Evolution

All 91少女 the Planets