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Flex Calendar

View the  to see a calendar of upcoming flex activities, or view the list of below of pre-approved flex activities. To see the calendar, make sure you are signed into your Hartnell GMail account.

Ongoing Events

  • Canvas and online teacher training & Technology training (PDC)
  • Educator in Residence presentations & workshops
  • Go2Knowledge training & webinars
  •  webinars
  • Certified Emergency Response Training 
  • Sexual Harassment Training - 2 hours
  • Veterans Center workshops
  • FIG presentations/participation
  • Diversity in Employment presentations
  • First Aid, CPR, Mental Health First Aid, etc.
  • CSU and UC counselor workshops
  • CA Society for Respiratory Care - Greater Bay Area Meeting
  • Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology 
  • National Assoication of Pediatric and Neonatal Advanced Practioners Annual Conference 
  • CA Community College Athletic Association Annual Conference 

NOTE: The only restrictions on these training opportunities are that the activities may count only once per person (per specific activity) and that they my not be during regularly scheduled teaching, advising or office hours.