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The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle (SLOAC) is an information-generating process that focuses on performance improvement and program planning.  This process is a collaborative effort on the part of the entire Hartnell academic community.  A key component to the success of this effort is ongoing dialogue among faculty, student service units and administrative units.  SLO assessment provides insight to faculty, staff and the college as a whole on the unique needs, strengths and challenges of the diverse groups of students that our college serves

In addition to a means of improving student learning, the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle is a tool that identifies strengths and opportunities, assists in planning and provides data to support resource allocation.

Clarification of roles and responsibilities is important to ensure the success of this effort.  As a curriculum matter, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment falls under the jurisdiction of the Academic Senate whose role is to oversee

  1. curricular content and standards in the development of outcomes.
  2. planning and implementation of the assessment process.
  3. use of assessment results to help shape decisions within academic programs and respective disciplines.

As an institutional matter, it is the role of the college administration to provide the technical and operational support that

  1. aids in the development of valid and reliable assessment tools.
  2. assists with the analysis and use of assessment results.
  3. provides resources to implement changes suggested by the data.
  4. coordinates the implementation of course, program and institutional outcomes and assessment.