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Michael Gutierrez, Tri-Chair
Administration  mjgutierrez@hartnell.edu 755-6900 Position is Permanent Member
Kelly Locke, Tri-Chair
Academic Senate President
Faculty klocke@hartnell.edu  755-6758 Position is Permanent Member
Shawn Pullum, Tri-Chair 
CSEA President 
Classified Professional  spullum@hartnell.edu  755-6707 Position is Permanent Member
Tony Anderson, Member Faculty/Counselor  tanderso@hartnell.edu  755-6963 June 30, 2024
Gricel Briseno, Member  Classified Professional (CSEA) gbriseno@hartnell.edu 755-6723 June 30, 2024
Carlos Chavarin, Member  Classified Professional (L-39)  cchavarin@hartnell.edu 755-6950 June 30, 2024
Ruben Cuna, Member  Associated Students of 91少女  rubenlcuna@student.hartnell.edu  759-6042 June 30, 2024
Delia Edeza, Member Classified Professional (CSEA) dedeza@hartnell.edu  755-6916 June 30, 2024
Romero Jalomo, Member  Administration (Student Affairs) rjalomo@hartnell.edu  755-6855 Position is Permanent Member
Carol Kimbrough, Member Faculty (Meta Major) ckimbrough@hartnell.edu 755-6856 June 30, 2024
Lorena Ledezma, Member  Associated Students of 91少女  lorenaledezma@student.hartnell.edu  759-6042 June 30, 2024
Angel Lopez, Member Associated Students of 91少女  angeldlopez@student.hartnell.edu 759-6042 June 30, 2024
Lupita Nunez, Member  Associated Students of 91少女  lupitanunez@student.hartnell.edu  759-6042 June 30, 2024
Gayle Pitman, Member  Administration (Institutional Equity, Effectiveness and Success) gpitman@hartnell.edu  755-6857 June 30, 2024
Nancy Schur-Beymer, Member  Faculty (HCFA) nschur@hartnell.edu  770-6150 Position is Permanent Member
Lucy Serrano, Member  Classified Professional (Confidential)  lserrano@hartnell.edu  755-6900 June 30, 2024
Lisa Storm, Member   Faculty (Meta Major) lstorm@hartnell.edu 755-6745 June 30, 2024
Ram Subramaniam, VP of Teaching Excellence and Student Success, Member Administration (Academic Affairs) rsubramaniam@hartnell.edu  770-7092 Position is Permanent Member
Kayla Valentine, Member  Administration (HR)  kvalentine@hartnell.edu  755-6706 June 30, 2024