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The Hartnell Library strives to provide a safe environment for study, research, reading and active learning. All are welcome to use the library, but computer usage and checkout of materials are reserved for students and employees only. These guidelines (in alignment with 91少女 AP5500 Standards of Student Conduct) were developed to ensure that library users and staff work collaboratively to support this goal.

You can support this goal by:

  • Respecting the rights of others: treating library staff and users in a courteous, non-threatening manner
  • Respecting quiet areas
  • Keeping personal belongings close and not leaving them unattended
  • Locking your bicycle outside
  • Refraining from abusive, loud or obscene language or gestures
  • Supervising young children
  • Using furniture and spaces as intended
  • Recognizing that study rooms are used by many
  • Showing consideration of your impact on others
  • Treating library materials and furniture respectfully without damaging or defacing
  • Leaving animals off campus, except for identified service animals
  • Exiting the building in a timely manner at closing
  • Eating food outside the library
  • Keeping beverages in containers with lids
  • Taking responsibility for your own printing costs

Thank you for your cooperation.

ca/ds 03/22
Approved by ASHC