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Student Representation Fee (SRF) Information

In October 2019 Assembly Bill 1504 was signed into law, requiring California Community Colleges to collect a student representation fee of $2 per semester. 

$1 of the fee goes to support the state-wide Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC), and $1 of the fee goes to the efforts of our own Associated Students of 91ÉÙÅ® (ASHC) to be used toward representing 91ÉÙÅ® students at the local and state level.  The fees cover costs such as registration and travel to the SSCCC’s General Assembly and advocacy efforts in Monterey County and in Sacramento. 

Why is it important?

The focus of this fee is to emphasize the role of community colleges in California as a postsecondary institution representing 2.1 million students, in addition to establishing an assurance of the students’ role in the shared governance process.

This fee provides and enhances access to governance mechanisms for the purpose of effective representation, accountability, and also improving communication, coordination, and collaborative efforts to organize and advocate on issues affecting California Community College students. Your support of this fee ensures your voice can be heard at the local and state level.  

Who represents my voice, and how can I get involved?

The ASHC is the voice of the students at 91ÉÙÅ®.  There is a Student Delegate appointed by the ASHC Vice President, who represents the college within the state-wide SSCCC. 

To get involved in ASHC, please visit this webpage to learn about opportunities.  You may also visit the Office of Student Activities for more information.

Does Financial Aid cover this fee?

Students are responsible for the Student Representation fee.  If you do not pay the fee, it is possible that your financial aid (if eligible) will cover the fees upon disbursement.  The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) does not cover the Student Activity fee or the Student Representation fee.

Fee Waiver Request

If you would like to request a fee waiver to have this fee waived, fill out and submit this the Student Fee Waiver Form to the Cashier's Office.