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Resources for Faculty and Staff

DSPS is pleased to share resources with faculty and staff supporting DSPS students participating in Hartnell programs and activities.  The following resources are intended to provide assistance.  If instructors or staff have questions, please contact DSPS at 831.755.6760.  For general information, questions can also be emailed to dsps@hartnell.edu.  For test (exam and quiz for DSPS students) information, questions can also be emailed to dspstesting@hartnell.edu.  


Faculty Resources and Training

As provided by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), 
"Person-first language distances distances the person from the disability, ostensibly to separate the person from the negative connotations and stigma with which we have all been socialized. As professionals, many of us have been taught that person-first language is preferable, and some disabled individuals choose to identify as a person first, based on their personal orientation to disability. Example: I am a woman with a disability. I am separate from the stereotypes and stigma you associate with disability."
"Identity-first language challenges negative connotations by claiming disability directly. Identity-first language references the variety that exists in how our bodies and brains work with a myriad of conditions that exist, and the role of inaccessible or oppressive systems, structures, or environments in making someone disabled. Example: I am disabled, queer, and Latinx. I have an impairment, and I am disabled by societal barriers.

Communication Styles:  Person First Language and Identity First Language"

Web Usability and Accessibility
