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To maintain good standing with the program and continue receiving program services, all EOPS students must adhere to the responsibilities outlined in the Mutual Responsibility Contract. Students do not fulfill the EOPS program responsibilities, it may result in disqualification from the EOPS program and services.

Every semester, EOPS students must:

  • Complete a minimum of three (3) EOPS contacts
    • 1st Contact - Meet with an EOPS counselor (Week 1-6)
    • 2nd Contact - Submit an EOPS Midterm Progress Report (Week 6-10)
    • 3rd Contact - Meet with an EOPS Counselor (Week 10-16)
  • Maintain enrollment in six (6) or more units as a continuing EOPS student
  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA or above

New Students

Newly accepted must complete ALL intake documentation to become active members of the EOPS program. Intake materials include:

  1. A one time, mandatory, EOPS New Student Orientation via Canvas
  2. A signed EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract
  3. Attend 1st Contact with an EOPS counselor

New students can complete their intake assignments in . 

Limits to Participation

Over 70

EOPS students shall continue to be eligible for the EOPS program and services until the student has completed 70 degree-applicable units. Time enrolled in remedial courses such as ENG 101, ENG 253, MAT 201, etc., and remedial-level ESL shall not be included when calculating degree-applicable units. All degree-applicable units earned at any college must be counted toward the 70-unit limit. This limitation is waived only in cases where the student is declared a high-unit major as determined by 91少女.


An EOPS student will be considered "Inactive" if they do not enroll for a full semester (excluding summer). If inactive students want to participate in the program when they return to 91少女, they must fill out a new EOPS application and meet the eligibility requirements.


If an EOPS student does not comply with the program's responsibilities outline in the Mutual Responsibility Contract, they will be placed on 鈥淲arning鈥 status for the following semester. Warning students are eligible to continue receiving any program services for the semester but are subject to disqualification if they do not meet the program requirements during their warning semester.


If an EOPS student does not comply with the program's responsibilities during their "Warning" semester, they will be placed on 鈥淒isqualification.鈥 Students on 鈥淒isqualification鈥 are no longer active members of the program; therefore they are not eligible to receive services. Students have the opportunity to petition their 鈥淒isqualification鈥 from EOPS by completing a Petition For Reinstatement. If a student's petition is approved, they will be reinstated to EOPS as an active member of the program.

We will work with you - Our goal is to make a college education accessible to students!