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If you feel you meet our eligibility criteria please contact us! Si usted cree que re煤ne nuestros requisitos para elegibilidad, por favor c辞苍迟谩肠迟别苍辞蝉!

hep enrollment process

To add your name to our interest list, please call or click "Go"  or call our office at 831-770-7070. Para agregarse a nuestra lista de inter茅s, por favor llame u oprima "Go" o llame a nuestra oficina al (831)770-7070

 All students deemed HEP eligible will undergo the following steps to gain Admission:

Todo alumno considerado eligible para HEP debe seguir  los siguientes pasos para ser admitido:

  1. Get on our interest list: In accordance with our eligibility criteria, HEP staff will conduct preliminary check for eligibility based on  employment and financial need using HEP Family Income Standards. To add your name to our interest list, please call number listed or click the  鈥淕o鈥 button. Agregarse a la lista de inter茅s: De acuerdo a nuestros requisitos de elegibilidad, personal de HEP har谩 una revisi贸n de elegibilidad preliminar basado en su empleo necesidad financiera de acuerdo a los Est谩ndares de Ingreso Familiar de HEP. Para agregarse a la lista de inter茅s por favor llame al n煤mero indicado u oprima el elance verde 鈥淕o鈥.
  2. HEP staff will contact prospective students to set up an Orientation appointment. During their orientation, prospective students will sign up for an Eligibility Examination Appointment.
    Personal de HEP contactara al alumno para fijar una cita  para tomar su orientacion. Durante la orientacion, las personas interesadas haran una cita para el examen de eligibilidad.
    • Student will receive an overview of HEP eligibility, admissions process, services and expectations
    • Alumno recibir谩 un repaso de los requisitos de elegibilidad de HEP, proceso de admisi贸n, servicios y expectativas
  3. Complete pre-test in reading and mathematics in order to establish 8th grade proficiency. (To prepare for pre-test contact our office)
    Completar un pre-examen en lectura y matem谩ticas para establecer nivel acad茅mico equivalente al 8潞 grado.  (Para prepararse para el pre-examen llame a nuestra oficina)
    • The following eligility documents are required to establish eligibility:
      • Pay stub/W2, COE or other proof of employment eligibility must be submitted at the time of pre-assessment.
        Tal贸n de cheque/W2, COE u otro comprobante de elegibilidad de empleo debe ser entregado al presentar su pre-examen.
      • If student is qualifying through a relative that is an eligible farmworker they must also submit the following at this time:
        Si el alumno est谩 calificando a trav茅s de un pariente que es un empleado agr铆cola eligible, en adici贸n debe entregar lo siguiente:
        • Address verification (letter, bill, etc. showing same address as relative through whom they are qualifying) Verificaci贸n de domicilio (carta, factura, etc. que muestre el mismo domicilio del pariente por cual est谩 calificando)
      • Student proof of employment or income (if employed) Comprobante de empleo o ingreso del alumno (si trabaja)
  4.  Students deemed eligible and 鈥淗EP Ready鈥 (8th grade proficiency) will be invited to an interview where:
    Alumnos considerados eligibles y 鈥淟istos para HEP鈥 (nivel acad茅mico equivalente a 8潞 grado) ser谩n invitados a una entrevista donde:
    • Student will complete a written assignment
    • Alumno completara una tarea escrita
    • Student will participate in a 1-on-1 interview
    • Alumno participara en una entrevista individual  
  5. An admissions committee meeting will be convened to make final admissions decisions.  Students will receive a letter indicating their admission status.
    Una junta del comit茅 de Admisi贸n ser谩 convocada para tomar decisiones finales de admisi贸n. Alumnos recibir谩n una carta indicando su estatus de admisi贸n.
  6.  All admitted students must attend Kick-Off event typically held the Saturday before course begins.
    Todo alumno admitido debe asistir al Evento-Inicial t铆picamente el s谩bado anterior al comienzo de clases.
  7. All admitted students must attend assigned class with consistency.  Classes are offered both morning and evening to meet student  need.
    Todo alumno admitido debe asistir a la clase asignada con consistencia. Clases  est谩n  disponibles por la ma帽ana y por la tarde.