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Would you like a classroom presentation about our services? 

To arrange a Tutorial Services presentation for your class(es), email

The Panther Learning Lab, pll@hartnell.edu

Please include the name of your course(s) as well as the days/times and location(s).

How about a Tutor for your class(es)?

If you would like to recommend one of your students for a support position, use the form below!

Are you offering your students extra credit for using Tutorial Services or The Panther lab? 

If you require tutorial attendance or are offering extra credit, you can request a report anytime using the link below:

Has one or more of your students missed an exam?

Please complete the form below if you need to have a make-up or missed exam administered and the Tutorial Services Coordinator or a Lab Specialist will act as your proctor. (Exams can be taken in B230 on Main Campus or can be arranged at the Soledad or King City Panther labs)


If you would like to suggest that we offer more services, please ask!