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Last Name First Name Title Email Phone
Bersamin Manuel Director of TRIO mbersami@hartnell.edu (831) 759-6036
Ceja  Maria Dean of Enrollment Services maceja@hartnell.edu (831) 755-6714
VACANT   Director of Equity Programs   (831) 770-6126
Flores Mario Director of Basic Needs mario.flores@hartnell.edu (831) 770-6179
Grainger Benjamin Director of College Readiness bgrainger@hartnell.edu (831) 755-6726
Johnson Carla Dean of Student Success cjohnson@hartnell.edu (831) 759-6057
Martinez Marina Director of EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs marina.martinez@hartnell.edu (831) 759-6020
Nevarez Augustine Director of Student Life anevarez@hartnell.edu (831) 755-6825
Peters Michelle Director of DSPS mpeters@hartnell.edu (831) 770-7012
Tovar Jessica Director of Financial Aid jtovar@hartnell.edu (831) 755-6720
Velazquez Cesar Director of Upward Bound cvelazquez@hartnell.edu (831) 759-6086
Zavala Laura Director of High School Equivalency Program lzavala@hartnell.edu (831) 770-7070