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May 20, 2015, 3pm, E-112 May 20, 2015 May 20, 2015 Highlights

May 20, 2015 Minutes
Minutes - May 6, 2015 
BP 3515
AP 3515
AP 3435
BP 4035
BP 5050
AP 5050
AP 5055
Space Request - Theatre Arts
Space Request - Alisal Tutoring/Study/Work Space
Space Request - Alisal Fab Lab
Short-term IE Goals
Budget May Revise
2015 PPA for Office of Superintendent/President
2014-15 Results for Evaluation of CPC Effectiveness
2014-15 Evaluation of CPC Effectiveness Summary
2014-15 Results for Evaluation of Overall Governance Structure Effectiveness
2014-15 Evaluation of Overall Governance Effectiveness Summary
Central IR Functions
May 6, 2015, 3pm, E-112 May 6, 2015

May 6, 2015 Highlights

May 6, 2015 Minutes

Minutes - April 15, 2015
BP 4020
AP 4020
AP 4022
BP 4025
AP 4025
Framework for Establishing IE Goals
Accreditation  Council Handbook (revised)
Accreditation Update
Annual Review of & Action Plan for IPE Office
Theatre Arts / Request for New Space
Alisal CampusTutorial/Study Area / Request for New Space
Advanced Technology Fab Lab /Request for New Space 
IE Goals 
Activity Time Line for IE Goals
April 15, 2015, 3pm, E-112 April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015 Highlights 

April 15, 2015 Minutes 

Minutes - March 18, 2015
BP 4020
AP 4020
AP 4022
BP 4025
AP 4025
STEMart Lab 
Faculty 2015-16
2014-15 Resource Allocations
HCCD FON Synopsis
HCCD Projected 2015 FON
Hierarchial Elements in Strategic Plan
Requirement/Process - Institutional Effectiveness Goals
Goal Setting - Institutional Effectiveness Goals
Activity Time Line Development/Approval - Institutional Effectiveness Goals
Technical Assistance -Institutional Effectiveness Goals
Institutional Effectiveness Goals
Timeline for IE Goals
April 1, 2015 (No meeting due to Spring Recess)      
March 18, 2015, 3pm, E-112 March 18, 2015 

March 18, 2015 Highlights 

March 18, 2015 Minutes 

Minutes - March 4, 2015
AP 6340
AP 6350
ACCJC Letter and Visiting Team Roster
Legislative Update
2B.1 Outcome
4A.1 Outcome
Activity Time Line for Strategic Plan Implementation
Time Line for 2015 PPA Process
Goals on Institutional Effectiveness

March 4, 2015, 3pm, E-112 March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015 Highlights

March 4, 2015 Minutes

Minutes of February 18, 2015
BP 3570 Tobacco-free and Smoke-free Campus
AP 3570 Tobacco-free and Smoke-free Campus
AP 4050 Articulation
AP 5530 Student Rights and Grievances
Institution-Set Standards
Activity Time Line Institution-Set Standards
HCCD Apportionment 2014-15
Governing Board Agenda March 3, 2015 
Integrated Planning Presentation
Schedule of Topics and Integrated Planning Model
February 18, 2015, 3pm, E-112 February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015 Highlights

February 18, 2015 

Minutes of February 4, 2015
BP 3570, Smoking on Campus
AP 3570, Smoking on Campus
AP 4050, Articulation
AP 5530 Student Rights and Grievances
BP 3900 Speech:  Time, Place, and Manner
AP 3900 Speech:  Time, Place, and Manner
Accreditation Follow up Report #2
Update to Facilities Master Plan (FMP)
Facilities Master Plan
Appendices to FMP
Governor's Proposed Budget 2015-16
Hartnell Budget 2015-16 Update
February 3, 2015 Governing Board Agenda
Legislation Update

February 4, 2015, 3pm, E-112 February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015 Highlights 

February 4, 2015

Minutes of December 17, 2014
Article:  Colleges Settle Free Speech
BP3900 Speech:  Time, Place, and Manner
AP3900 Speech:  Time, Place, and Manner
Institution Set Standards
Institution Set Standards Activity Time Line
Accreditation:  Draft Follow-up Report #2
Space Request Form
PT Faculty Inclusion on Governance Councils

December 17, 2014, 2 p.m., E-112 December 17, 2014

December 17, 2014 Highlights

December 17, 2014 

Minutes of December 3, 2014
Facilities Master Plan 
Appendices FMP
Water Filtration System Request
Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee Recommendations
Resource Allocation Requests 2015-16
Institution-Set Standards (1st Reading)

December 3, 2014, 3pm, E-112 December 3, 2014

December 3, 2014 Highlights

December 3, 2014

Minutes of November 19, 2014
Academic Senate Resolution for Part-time Faculty Member on CPC
Facilities Master Plan
Appendices to Facilities Master Plan
Emergency Notification System
Water Filtration System Request
11/20/14 Minutes from Associated Students
Program Review Resource Requests 2015-16

November 19, 2014, 3pm, E-112 November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014 

November 19, 2014 Highlights

Minutes of November 5, 2014
BP 6340, Bids and Contracts
AP 6340, Bids and Contracts
AP 6346, Contract Review and Monitoring
AP 6350, Contracts-Construction
AP 6360, Contracts-Electronic Systems and Materials
AP 6370, Contracts-Agreements for Services
BP 6520, Security for District Property
AP 6520, Security for District Property
BP 7350, Resignations
AP 7350, Resignations
Student Equity Plan
Strategic Plan Progress Report
Strategic Plan Progress Report Presentation 
Facilities Master Plan
Appendices to Facilities Master Plan

November 5, 2014, 3pm, E-112 November 5, 2014

November 5, 2014 Highlights

November 5, 2014

Minutes of October 15, 2014
AP 6305, Reserves
BP 6340, Bids and Contracts
AP 6340, Bids and Contracts
AP 6346, Contract Review and Monitoring
AP 6350, Contracts-Construction
AP 6360, Contracts-Electronic Systems and Materials
AP 6370, Contracts-Agreements for Services
BP 6520, Security for District Property
AP 6520, Security for District Property
BP 7350, Resignations
AP 7350, Resignations
BP 4021, Establishing, Revitalizing, or Discontinuing Academic Programs
AP 4021, Establishing, Revitalizing, or Discontinuing Academic Programs
BP 4040, Library and Other Instructional Support Services
AP 4040, Library and Other Instructional Support Services
Program Review Resource Requests 2015-16
CI Process for Non-Instructional Programs
First Annual Assessment of Long Term Plans
Legislation Update November 2014

October 15, 2014, 3pm, E-112 October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014- Highlights

October 15, 2014 Minutes

Minutes of October 1, 2014
BP 4021
AP 4021
BP 4040
AP 4040
Results of CPC Effectiveness Survey
Summary of CPC Review/Discussion
Inventory of CPC Agenda Items/Responsibility
Results of Overall Governance Effectiveness Survey
Summary of Overall Governance Review/Discussion
BP 2410
AP 2410
Governing Board Meeting Highlights 10/7/2014
Governing Board Meeting Agenda 10/7/2014
SSSP Plan Budget

October 1, 2014, 3pm, E-112 October 1, 2014 October 1, 2014

Minutes of September 17, 2014
Institution-Set Standards for Student Achievement
Activity Time Line for Development and Approval of Institution-Set Standards
2014 Student Success Scorecard Student Information
2014 Student Success Scorecard Metrics
Student Success Scorecard Metrics Comparison
FON Basic Principles
HCCD FON History
FON Penalty
2011 FON Compliance Form
2012 FON Compliance Form
2013 FON Compliance Form

September 17, 2014, 3pm, E-112 September 17, 2014 September 17, 2014

Minutes of September 3, 2014

Student Success and Support Plan

Basic Skills Initiative Action Plan

Continuous Improvement Plan 2013-2018

Continuous Improvement Handbook 2013-2018
Proposal for Continuous Improvement Committee Subcommittee of the CPC

Continuous Improvement Committee


Model of Integrated Planning and Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement

BP 6365

AP 6365

September 3, 2014, 3pm, E-112 September 3, 2014 September 3, 2014

Minutes of June 5, 2014

BP 6341

AP 6341

BP 6365

AP 6365

BP 3430

AP 3430

Student Success and Support Plan 

Student Equity Plan

Basic Skills Initiative Plan

Continuous Improvement Plan and Handbook
Proposed Continuous Improvement Committee

Model for Integrated Planning and Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement

Budget Presentation 2014-15

Budget 2014-15
2014-15 Equipment Request Purchase List

FTES History 2010-11 to 2014-15

Unemployment Rates Monterey County 2010-2014

High School Grads Through 2022-23

Accreditation Timeline for Follow Up Report