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May 18, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016 Highlights

Minutes of May 4, 2016
BP 3225, Institutional Effectiveness
AP 3225, Institutional Effectiveness
BP 3250, Institutional Planning
AP 3250, Institutional Planning
BP 7310, Nepotism
AP 7310, Nepotism
Request for Additional Space:  Crisis Counseling
EEO Plan
One-time Expenditure Recommendations for 2016-17
Definitions - Instructional Support and Physical Plant

Governor's May Revise 

May 4, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 May 4, 2016

May 4, 2016

May 4, 2016 Highlights 

Minutes of April 6, 2016
Minutes of April 20, 2016
BP 7100, Commitment to Diversity
BP 3225, Institutional Effectiveness
AP 3225, Institutional Effectiveness
BP 3250, Institutional Planning
AP 3250, Institutional Planning
BP 7310, Nepotism
AP 7310, Nepotism
Program Eval Report:  RE Program 
PPA Budget Requests - updated 05.04.2016
Strong Workforce Trailer Bill Language
Strong Workforce Program
Request for Additional Space:  Crisis Counseling

April 20, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 April 20, 2016 

April 20, 2016

April 20, 2016 Highlights

Minutes of April 6, 2016
AP 5500, Standards of Student Conduct
BP 7100, Commitment to Diversity
Job Description-Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management
Expansion of Student Academic Support Services
Math Lab Plan E-217
2016-17 Budget Projections
2016-17 Governor's Proposed Budget
Program Evaluation Committee Report on Real Estate Instructional Program
April 6, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016 Highlights

Minutes of March 16, 2016
BP 7100, Commitment to Diversity 
AP 3515, Reporting Crime
AP 5500, Standards of Student Conduct
AP 5520, Student Discipline
BP 4105, Distance Education 
AP 4105, Distance Education 
Grants - Roles and Responsibilities
BOG Accreditation Resolution
Loss of BOG Fee Waiver and Enrollment Priorities
FTES for 2016-17
Resource Allocation Request 2016-17

March 16, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 March 16, 2016 

March 16, 2016 

March 16, 2016 Highlights

Minutes of March 2, 2016
AP 5075, Course Adds and Withdrawals/Drops

BP 5110, Counseling

AP 5110, Counseling

BP 5300, Student Equity

AP 5300, Student Equity

AP 5300, Student Equity (revised)
AP 5610, Voter Registration
Institutional Planning and Effectiveness

Degrees and Certificates

Financial Aid Awards

CSU/UC Transfers


March 2, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 March 2, 2016

March 2, 2016

March 2, 2016 Highlights

Minutes of February 3, 2016
Minutes of February 17, 2016
BP 4105
AP 4105
AP 5075
BP 5110
AP 5110
BP 5300
AP 5300
AP 5610
Survey Results from Community Survey-Feasibility of Bond Measure
Resolution in Support of Voter Initiative:  Facilities Bond Act
Transition Program Outcomes
Fresno State Proposal
Accrediting Commission Actions
Fall 2012-2015 Enrollment (Hartnell)
Fall 2015 Enrollment (Hartnell, CSU, UC)
Institutional Planning and Effectiveness

February 17, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016 Highlights

Minutes of February 3, 2016
Space Request:  Sustainable Construction Program

February 3, 2016, 3 p.m. E-112 February 3, 2016

February 3, 2016

February 3, 2016 Highlights

Minutes - December 2, 2015
Chemistry Classroom Retrofit
Student Services, Counseling
Expansion of IPE Office
Water Filtration System
Accreditation Midterm Report
Alisal Sustainable Construction 
January Budget Update
2016-17 Governor's Proposed Budget
CCFS 320-Period 1 (FTES)
FTES History and Projections
Improvements to Program Planning and Assessment Process
Budget Request Spreadsheet

December 2, 2015, 3 p.m. E-112 December 2, 2015  December 2, 2015

December 2, 2015 Highlights
Minutes - November 18, 2015
Student Equity Plan
FT Faculty Hiring Committee (FTFHC) Report
FTFHC Presentation Invitation
FTFHC Presentation Outline
Chemistry Classroom Retrofit
Student Services, Counseling
Expansion of IPE Office
Water Filtration System
16-Week Semester Calender Update
November 18, 2015, 3 p.m. E-112 November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015 

November 18, 2015 Highlights

Minutes - November 4, 2015
BP 4250
AP 4250
AP 4255
Student Equity Plan
AB-104, Adult Education
Governing Board Meeting Highlights
Grant Proposal: NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education 
Grant Proposal: Research in Undergraduate Institutions and Research Opportunity Awards
November 4, 2015, 3 p.m. E-112 November 4, 2015

November 4, 2015 

November 4, 2015 Highlights

Minutes - October 21, 2015
BP 4250
AP 4250
AP 4255
BP 3540
AP 3540
FTES History and Projections 
October 21, 2015, 3 p.m. E-112 October 21, 2015

October 21, 2015

October 21, 2015 Highlights

Minutes - October 7, 2015
Canvas Course Management System 
Growth Funding Formula
Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative
Accreditation Task Force Report
PPA-Completed Annual and Comprehensive 
PPA Completed Program Reviews
Institution-Set Standards for Job Placement:  Follow-up
October 7, 2015, 3 p.m. E-112 October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015 Highlights

Minutes - September 2, 2015
HEP - Enrollment Priority Request
SI Leaders - Enrollment Priority Request
Student Success and Support Program Plan
October 6, 2015 BOT Meeting Agenda
2015-16 Summary of Resource Allocation Funding Decisions
2014-15 Summary of Resource Alocation Expenditures
2015-16 BP and AP Schedule
ACCJC Letter - Annual Report 
Recommended Standards
CTE Program Awards 2012-13
Email - Institution-Set Standards
2014 HC CETOS Results
2014 Statewide CETOS Results
2015 Statewide CETOS Results
Kindergarten through Community College Public Ed Facilities Bond Act
AB 288 Summary
Proposition 30 Extension
Basic Skills Initiative Action Plan

September 16, 2015, 3 p.m. E-112     This meeting cancelled
September 2, 2015, 3 p.m. E-112 September 2, 2015 

September 2, 2015 Minutes

September 2, 2015 Highlights 

Minutes - May 20, 2015
AP 5055, Enrollment Priorities
Proposal-Institutional Effectiveness Council
Councils at Other Institutions
Proposal-Institutional Effectiveness Council Handbook
Continuous Improvement Committee Handbook
College Planning Council Handbook
2015-16 Budget Presentation
2015-16 Proposed Final Budget
2015-16 Resource Allocation Requests
College Planning Council Inventory of Agenda Items 2014-15
2015-16 Enrollment/FTES Update and Projections
Governing Board Meeting Highlights - August 4, 2015
Action Letter from ACCJC - June 29, 2015
Certificate of Accreditation 2015