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Art Studio

The CDC has a fully equipped and stocked commercial kitchen with touches of warmth from the natural hardwood cabinets. State Licensing Regulations do not permit children access to the kitchen unless it is part of a planned, supervised cooking experience. Therefore, gates have been installed to limit access. Because the kitchen is open to the classroom, adults can continue to interact with children and provide visual supervision of the classroom while engaged in food preparation. There is no mystery to what goes on in the kitchen so children are not tempted to go beyond the gates. In addition, a planned food prep experience for small groups of children regularly takes place in the classroom food prep area under the direction of an adult. 

Children eat when hungry, seated at the dining table. This table permits small groups of children to engage in conversation with each other (as in a family) in a pleasant ambiance. When food prep is completed, a tablecloth and centerpiece of flowers, candles or other display are placed on the table in preperation for dining.  The the children set the table with "real" dishes and utensils. The use of disposable paper and plastic is limited, as we hope it is for children when eating at home. 

Independence is fostered through expecting children to participate in the food preparation, table setting and clearing. Manners naturally are developed and reinforced by respectful adults who model the expected social behaviors of mealtime. 

Who To Contact

  • Anne Adamson
    Child Development Center Director
    Phone: 831-755-6945
    Building: M - Child Development Center
    Child Development Center
