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Art Studio

Even though literacy activities take place throughout the classroom environment, the Library is set up to give children a very clear message as to the importance we place on literacy activities. The room has a large window area providing natural lighting for quiet, focused literacy related experiences appropriate for this age range.

You won't see adults drilling children with flashcards or children working diligently on worksheets. Instead, you will find an extensive collection of age-appropriate books, shelved in organized categories, with particular books on display to snag a child's interest. In addition, felt storyboards, puppets, books on tape, and other storytelling/listening materials are available.

We place equal importance on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Therefore, you will see a variety of writing and bookmaking materials, so that children can author their own books as well as visually represent what they read through art media. Alphabet materials are available as reference for children ready for more formalized writing. A soft, cozy place to get comfortable encourages children to stay around while they look at books independently, with peers and with adults. The ambiance encourages quieter, more focused activity, which often spills out into the serenity garden.

Who To Contact

  • Anne Adamson
    Child Development Center Director
    Phone: 831-755-6945
    Building: M - Child Development Center
    Child Development Center
