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Math Materials are used in a specific way to promote the development of mathematical knowledge. Children will manipulate unifix cubes in long trains, but with the focus on color patterns created, which one is longer, how many cubes are in the shorter train, etc. The math lab houses math related materials children use throughout the classroom and outdoors providing children a consistent access point. When children need to measure something anywhere in the environment, they can come to the math materials shelf and find a variety of informal and formal measuring tools depending upon their developmental level. Children have access to a wide variety of manipulative materials, which are rotated regularly as children master their skills with these materials. Manipulative materials are open-ended equipment with no one right way of using them. For example, Legos and tinker toys can be used in many ways.

Who To Contact

  • Anne Adamson
    Child Development Center Director
    Phone: 831-755-6945
    Building: M - Child Development Center
    Child Development Center
