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As Policies become available the link and Approval/Revision Dates will appear. 

BP 1200   District Vision, Mission, and Values Statements
BP 2010   Board Membership
BP 2015   Student Member of the Governing Board
BP 2100   Board Elections
BP 2105 AP 2105 Election of Student Member
BP 2110 AP 2110 Vacancies on the Board
BP 2200   Board Duties and Responsibilities
BP 2210   Officers
BP 2220   Committees of the Board
BP 2305   Annual Organizational Meeting
BP 2310   Regular Meetings of the Board
BP 2315   Closed Sessions
BP 2320 AP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings
BP 2330   Quorum and Voting
BP 2340 AP 2340 Agendas
BP 2345   Public Participation at Board Meetings
BP 2350   Speakers
BP 2355   Decorum
BP 2360   Minutes
BP 2365 AP 2365 Recording
BP 2410 AP 2410 Board Policies & Administrative Procedures
BP 2430   Delegation of Authority to the CEO
BP 2431   CEO Selection
BP 2432   CEO Succession
BP 2435   Evaluation of the CEO
BP 2510 AP 2510 Participation in Local Decision-Making
BP 2610 AP 2610 Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals
BP 2710 AP 2710 Conflict of Interest
  AP 2712 Conflict of Interest Code
  AP 2714 Distribution of Tickets or Passes
BP 2715   Code of Ethics-Standards of Practices
BP 2716   Political Activity
BP 2717   Personal Use of Public Resources
BP 2720   Communication Among Board Members
BP 2725   Board Member Compensation
BP 2730   Board Member Health Benefits
BP 2735   Board Member Travel
BP 2740 AP 2740 Board Education
BP 2745   Board Self-Evaluation
BP 2750   Board Member Absence from the State
BP 3050 AP 3050 Institutional Code of Ethics
BP 3100 AP 3100 Organizational Structure
BP 3200 AP 3200 Accreditation
BP 3225 AP 3225 Institutional Effectiveness
BP 3250 AP 3250 Institutional Planning
BP 3280 AP 3280 Grant Concept and Approval (Development)
BP 3410 AP 3410 Nondiscrimination
BP 3420 AP 3420 Equal Employment Opportunity
BP 3430 AP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment
BP 3433 AP 3433 Prohibition of Harassment Under Title IX
  AP 3434 Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX
  AP 3435 Discrimination and Harassment Investigations
BP 3440 AP 3440 Service Animals
BP 3500 AP 3500 Campus Safety
BP 3510 AP 3510 Workplace Violence
BP 3515 AP 3515 Reporting of Crimes
BP 3540 AP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
BP 3570 AP 3570 Tobacco-free and Smoke-free Campus
BP 3710 AP 3710 Securing of Copyright
BP 3715 AP 3715 Intellectual Property
BP 3720 AP 3720 Computer, Electronic Communication, and Network Use
BP 3800 AP 3800 Information Security
BP 3900 AP 3900 Speech:  Place, Time, and Manner
BP 3910   Soliciting, Materials Distribution, and Fundraising on Campus
BP 3920   Posting of Printed or Other Media Materials on Campus
      ACADEMIC AFFAIRS (4000s)
BP 4010   Academic Calendar
BP 4015   Cooperative Work Experience
BP 4020 AP 4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development
BP 4021 AP 4021 Establishing, Revitalizing, or Discontinuing Academic Programs
  AP 4022 Course Approval 
BP 4025 AP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree, Baccalaureate Degree, and General Education
BP 4030 AP 4030 Academic Freedom
  AP 4031 Academic Dishonesty
BP 4035   Child Development Program/Preschool Program
BP 4040 AP 4040 Library and Learning Support Services
BP 4042   Open Educational Resources and Low-Cost Textbooks
BP 4050 AP 4050 Articulation
  AP 4051 High School Articulation
BP 4070 AP 4070 Course Audit and Auditing Fees
BP 4100   Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
BP 4101 AP 4101 Independent Study
  AP 4102 Career and Technical Education Program
BP 4105 AP 4105 Distance Education
BP 4110   Honorary Degrees
BP 4111 AP 4111 Posthumous Degrees
BP 4220   Standards of Scholarship
  AP 4222 Pre-collegiate Basic Skills Coursework Limitation
BP 4225 AP 4225 Course Repetition/Enrollment Limitations
BP 4226 AP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments
BP 4230 AP 4230 Grading and Academic Records Symbols
BP 4231 AP 4231 Grade Changes
BP 4235 AP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning
BP 4240 AP 4240 Academic Renewal
BP 4250   Academic Notice, Disqualification, and Return
  AP 4250 Academic Notice
  AP 4255 Disqualification and Return
BP 4260 AP 4260 Prerequisites and Corequisites
BP 4300 AP 4300  Field Trips and Excursions
BP 5010   Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
BP 5015   Residence Determination
BP 5020   Nonresident Tuition
BP 5030 AP 5030 Fees
BP 5035   Student Reimbursement & Fee Obligations
BP 5040 AP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy
BP 5050 AP 5050 Student Success and Support Program
BP 5052   Open Enrollment
BP 5055 AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities
BP 5070   Attendance
  AP 5075 Course Adds and Withdrawals/Drops
BP 5110 AP 5110 Counseling
BP 5120   Transfer Services
BP 5130 AP 5130 Financial Aid
BP 5140 AP 5140 Disabled Students Programs and Services
BP 5150   Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
BP 5205   Student Accident Insurance
BP 5210  AP 5210 Communicable Diseases-Students
BP 5220 AP 5220 Shower Facilities for Students
BP 5230   Drug Free Campus - Students
BP 5300 AP 5300 Student Equity
BP 5400   Associated Students Organization
BP 5410 AP 5410 Associated Students Elections
BP 5420   Associated Students Finance
BP 5500 AP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct
  AP 5520 Student Discipline 
BP 5506   Advisors and Sponsors for Student Clubs/Organizations
BP 5510   Off-Campus Student Organizations
BP 5530 AP 5530 Student Rights, Grievances, and Complaints
BP 5570   Student Credit Card Solicitations
  AP 5610 Voter Registration
BP 5700 AP 5700 Intercollegiate Athletics
BP 5800   Prevention of ID Theft in Student Financial Transactions
BP 6150 AP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures
BP 6200 AP 6200 Budget Preparation
BP 6250 AP 6250 Budget Management
BP 6300 AP 6300 Fiscal Management
BP 6307 AP 6307 Debt Issuance and Management
BP 6330 AP 6330 Purchasing
BP 6340 AP 6340 Bids and Contracts - Goods and Services
BP 6341 AP 6341 Selection of Contractor Based Upon Best Value 
BP 6345 AP 6345 Change Orders
  AP 6346 Contract Review and Monitoring
  AP 6350 Contracts - Construction
  AP 6360 Contracts - Electronic Systems and Materials
BP 6365 AP 6365 Accessibility of Information Technology
  AP 6370 Contracts - Agreements for Service
BP 6400 AP 6400 Financial Audits
BP 6450 AP 6450 Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use
BP 6500 AP 6500 Property Management
BP 6520 AP 6520 Security for District Property
BP 6540 AP 6540 Insurance
BP 6600 AP 6600 Capital Construction
BP 6620 AP 6620 Naming of Facilities and Properties
BP 6800 AP 6800 Occupational Safety
 BP 6910 AP 6910  Housing
BP 7100   Commitment to Diversity
BP 7110  AP 7110 Delegation of Authority, Human Resources
BP 7120 AP 7120 Recruitment and Hiring
  AP 7125 Verifying Employment Eligibility
BP 7130   Compensation
BP 7140 AP 7140 Collective Bargaining
  AP 7145 Personnel Files
BP 7150 AP 7150 Evaluation of Administrative Employees (Classified Administrators, Supervisors, and Educational Administrators)
BP 7160 AP 7160 Professional Development
BP 7165 AP 7165 Employee Scholars Program
BP 7210   Academic Employee
  AP 7212 Temporary Faculty
  AP 7215 Academic Employees-Probationary Contract Faculty
BP 7310  AP 7310 Nepotism
BP 7330 AP 7330 Communicable Diseases
BP 7335 AP 7335 Health Examinations
  AP 7336 Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis
   AP 7337  Fingerprinting
BP 7340   Leaves
  AP 7343 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave
  AP 7344 Attendance Policies and Notification to District of Illness or Absence
BP 7345 AP 7345 Catastrophic Leave Program
BP 7350 AP 7350 Resignations
BP 7362 AP 7362 Discipline and Dismissal – Classified and Educational Administrators